Sunday, September 28, 2008

portrait by jeff strahl.

I thought i would finally share a photo taken of me recently by a fellow artist/photographer who is also a friend. Jeff and Sarah own many pieces of my artwork (thanks for all the support guys) - probably a piece or two from each series from the last few years. Anyway, in the peak of my craziness about a month ago Jeff came over to get first pick before i went to KC, and while he was here he took my picture. It's not often i get my picture taken by anyone other then myself, my kids or my (photographer) husband -and specifically in that order.

and - for an update. i could use a life size cardboard cut out of myself to place in my studio - because i have been marked absent! I haven't been down there for 5 minutes, havent picked up one thing, or screwed the caps on my drying ink. NOTHING. i think i will TRY to make it down this week to get it cleaned up, but it might be the NEXT week. who knows.

(pppsstt... I do know there will be an online sale with my originals NOVEMBER 7TH, so stay tuned.)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

back home - and ready to relax

we are home. it is so nice to be home. (i have been thinking about this show in KC being done since early august) i am finally spending some time being human again. I get to be a mom. (a good one who can sit down and play and can make dinner instead of ordering it) I have been unloading, reorganizing, calling in credit card slips, going to the bank, doing laundry and playing some major catch up. I also quit the mountain dew cold turkey, but so far so good. i always need a bit of detox after a show. Now on to getting me selling online so i dont HAVE to do festivals to get my work out there.

here are some photos -
my booth - friday night

one of my favorites - sold.

we were so fortunate to get to see sandy and cameron every day/night. we went to freds twice and then got to go see their house on sunday night.

the open road - thru kansas. we made it back quick. its the time change that helps.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Kansas City - Plaza Art Fair BOOTH 507.

Here I am - come see me and my new work! and thanks for everyone who has already come out. i appreciate it!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Kansas City Plaza Art Fair - we are headed there

Its 1:04 AM... i have been packing ALL DAY! first thing this morning we played tetris with all the tupperware, walls, etc. and we were able to get everything into 1 car. BUT, us. well - there was TIGHT room for 5 and the weight limit is 1300lbs. we were close, you could tell. my tires were sagging. it didnt look good. we thought about it all day and by 7PM - with just 20 minutes of daylight... we made the executive call to take 2 cars. it will be another $160 for gas. (OUCH) but we cant think of any other way to safely make it there. I am also including a photo of my favorite piece. I believe it will be on sale for $600 - unless i decide i simply cant part with it. and finally, a photo of my TRASHED studio. Bummer i had to leave it this way. i sure didnt want to come home to a mess. But - the dishes are washed, clothes are all folded and else where its generally clean. BE THINKING HAPPY THOUGHTS. It looks like we will have great weather. AND - - - if you are in KC! - come out and see the show. FRI 5-10. SAT 10-10 (ouch) and SUN 11-5. I THINK i am booth # 507 (if its not 507, its very close) i should know this. sorry.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

finishing up - packing up

this was my last late night. its 3:06AM and i am off to bed. I will finish up what I can in the morning and call it DONE.
We have worked so hard this summer, and specifically this last week. John has been teasing and calling me a Jeff Koons -
(he is an artist who dosent do his own work, only thinks of the concept and then lets his factory DO the art) Well, well -
i am NO Jeff Koons, but i will admit it takes a village to get it all done. Scott and John cut my wood, I paid Mitchell to sand (some of the) wood, I did the artwork - then my mom painted the sides brown for me, John drilled the key hole hangers in the back, John and I sprayed the work with spray fix, Paul and John shot the work and Brandy cut bubblewrap. i must FORMALLY THANK MY VILLAGE for all their hard work!!!! and my girls for hanging in there. we are ALMOST done!

Friday, September 12, 2008

in progress -

All of my work has multiple layers of printing. Especially my large pieces. I work and work on those to get the perfect texture - which means the perfect mistake, that looks beautiful - that i cant duplicate (unfortunatly) There are so many factors when printing this way. The color and texture of the ink, the weather - hot? dry? humid? cold?, and then which screen i use - and which pencil. (not to sharp - worn, and just pefect) Here is a piece that I started a few days ago and spent literally 2 hours screening the background blue. (over and over)

i got great texture - i love it.

I took it outside to sand it and just as i was about to sand it - a drop of water from the garage door landed right in the blue space to the left of the house. i was so upset. its now back on my desk waiting to be reprinted.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

beautiful birds

I finished up all my birds this week. I love looking at them all together.

this was one of my favorites. i love that. "the subject is thinking" is the bird taking a course in 'thinking" ?
OR, is the bird the subject. ?

Sunday, September 07, 2008

took time to have fun

To throw a party is many hours of stress, lots of money and time. In the hours leading up to the party, i always wonder if i will do this again - cause how could i... im exhausted and drained. But, then the party starts and the stress is forgotten. We had the annual studio party this last friday. We had a great turn out on a cold and damp night - probably a little over 100 people. Admas band played, there was good food and lots and lots of New Belgium Beer.

...... now, back to work!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

big hopes for labor day -

i have had it on my calendar for over a month to find a babysitter and use this weekend to work as many hours possible to finish up for the KC show. What a bust. I couldn't find a sitter - not for an hour, so John bucked up and took kid duty for the weekend. BUT THEN - Ryan got sick. I could tell she wasn't feeling well on friday night, but i was hoping saturday would be a whole new day. i could send john and the kids off to the pool, the zoo - a costco run, to play at the studio and even visit relatives. Instead, saturday morning brought 103.6 fever.
we made a tent out of her bunkbed and john put a small TV in there so she could watch movies and relax. and I stayed with her and cleaned up the upstairs while she slept.

by sunday she was feeling better. we layed low and john got out some crafts for them to do. i thought these were cute.

On monday everyone was feeling better, but myself. i had a sore throat and feeling really worn out.
Good think Ryan was able to come down and help me pull some screens. It was her first time getting to pull it herself. she was very proud.

I did start some new work. I think i have about 30 new ones started and a week to complete them. Also 12 large pieces to finish that i am stalling on cause i am not sure what to do to them. Its tuesday now and i am OH SO SICK. stuffed up, chills, sore throat - the works. Its a busy week too. 2 soccer practices for mia, a game and practice for ryan on saturday, johns studio party friday night and the last week to WORK. ahhhhhh, no pressure.