I super unfortunately had to miss my sisters high school graduation for a hundred reasons. But while I was missing it, i was keeping very busy. First we all healed. I had super bad allergies last week which turned into a cold, and everyone in my household had the same thing. Then we had a kindergarten performance for Mia and then a dance recital (tinkerbell) for Ryan. This weekend also gave way to a treasury on etsy - that made front page (yea!) AND a long studio day to work. I had a babysitter for a few hours so I was able to work on the Civic Center Park illustration job and also some artwork. I actually worked sunday night until 2AM. I didn't want to stop even then, but knew i had to. I was trying to finish up about a dozen house pieces, but i ended up starting a dozen more that i love. And - lastly - the weekend brought a soggy memorial day BBQ at the studio. It was very wet and chilly, but the food was good and the company was better. (val, paul, brandy, mark and my people)