On September 1st I was told that I had to have surgery. I posted two year ago that I was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation but was going to try to beat the odds and go as long a I could go without needing corrective surgery. (Chiari is a condition where your brain rests on your spinal cord and constricts the flow of spinal fluid.) Because the spinal fluid is restricted it does not allow for the signals to be sent correctly thru your body. I suffered from a lot of numbness (from my face, to my hands and legs) Also chronic neck pain, head rushes and headaches. It kind of took me out of my art game. I was told to take it easy and so I did. I traded my (heavy) silkscreens and wood canvases for fabric and thread. I took three class at Fancy Tiger and lived at the local fabric stores.
On November 16th I had decompression surgery. It has been about 3 weeks post surgery and I am doing much better then expected. I have some serious restrictions. The main restriction is that I can't lift more then 10lbs., because of that I need a lot of help around the house and doing the things I take for granted, especially with my girls. I was told to not even lift a gallon of milk. No dishes, cooking, laundry (that part I really could do without)
After 2 weeks I went to the doctor to get my staples out and when I did they told me I could start getting out on a limited basis. I still don't get to drive because of the pain pills I am on and the limited movement I have in my neck. All of this and the Holidays! I suppose all more reason to be thankful this year. I have an amazing support group of friends and family. I have meals set up thru January, friends getting my girls to and from school, a friend who walks my dogs, one who brings me starbucks when I need one, and all of them are there for constant emotional support and well wishes. I am such a lucky girl.
Now that the Holidays are upon us I will try to respond to emails as quickly as possible. And be able to take order on a limited basis. Currently my Etsy store is empty but I do have prints available from my website.
My scar & staples 10 days after surgery. |