Sunday, November 30, 2008

{thankful} Paper Fortune Teller

I am thankful for having kids that remind me to do cool things like this. and I am also thankful for google and youtube for helping me remember HOW to do these. I had totally forgotten. Now, go make one and E N J O Y those wonderul fortunes.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

great printmaking show {denver}

the opening was last weekend - and i didn't find the time to post about it - but didn't want to forget. There is a locals PRINTMAKING show at INK Lounge in Belmar. It has student and professional work and its a great mix. I have 2 pieces in the show - although, i didn't get any photos of my work while i was there. (silly me)
Here is a flickr page with some images:

Ink Lounge
Block 07 Belmar
445 S. Saulsbury St., Studio H
Lakewood, CO 80226

and they are also having an OPEN HOUSE-
Ink Lounge Open House :: Sun, Dec 7
2:00pm-6:00pm :: Wine, Cookies, Print

Monday, November 17, 2008

Thank you all }

I have had an amazing start to my first quarterly sale. i have sold 11 pieces directly from my sale, and 4 others that weren't listed on my sale page that went well in the series that a customer bought. Then I shipped 9 pieces to a store in Seattle and I am talking to 3 other stores around the U.S. I am pleased with the all of the wonderful feedback and interest i have gotten. I do still have more work for sale from my sale page and from my etsy shop.

If you know of any stores/shops/boutiques/galleries in your area who carry artwork ($60-$200 price range) - please email me or leave me a comment. If you give me a lead I will give you 25% off any item(s) you buy - for the remainder of the year. ALSO, stay tuned for a new section on my blog and website, places to find my work. So far I am in Denver, Birmingham and Seattle.

Here is the first piece i sold off of my sale page. It was a piece that my daughter Mia helped me do (i let her pick the colors when i was printing) I think its a gorgeous one, and it found a great home here in Colorado.

Friday, November 07, 2008


Please check out my first ONLINE ART SALE! It was a lot of work, i lost some sleep, missed some meals, (but replaced them with halloween candy), got my kids to school late today..... but in the end - it is all worth it. IT'S LIVE! and special thanks to Chris - my web guy who made it all "work" (email me if you need a web guy of your own - i will share him) Here is the link - ENJOY and PLEASE forward this on to any and everybody! It needs as many eyes as possible.