We got the hammer and nails out this weekend and hung some new artwork up. Both Mia and Ryan picked out a piece of mine to hang up in their rooms. Mia picked out a print of Bekah Ash's for her room. I wish we could have gotten a big original painting - it remains on my list of things to purchase. Ryan got a large Jay Vollmar piece for her room (in the photo on he back wall) AND - in for foreground we hung our new piece from Amanda Blake. I also wish we could have afforded to bring home a big one - but this was a very nice trade from Amanda. We couldn't decide where to hang it - and both girls wanted it in their rooms - so it ended up right in the middle of both rooms. It is the in the middle when you come up the stairs so its the first thing you see. OH - we also have a new piece from ZOA ACE, but i forgot to take a photo. We hung that one in the playroom. anyway - THANKS AMANDA FOR THE TRADE. If you havent been to her site - here is the link - http://www.amandablakeart.com/
I like how in this first photo when i asked them to both stand in their rooms, they stood (by chance) like the girl in the painting.