Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Inspired Art - Denver

John and I both donated work to Inspired Art this year.  The artist get to pick a poem and create a piece that related to the poem.  This is the one that I did.  It's the first piece of artwork I have finished since last summer.  It was nice to have a reason to get the ink back out and get my hands dirty.   The artwork will be auctioned of (via silent auction) at the Space Gallery off of SanteFe.  The proceeds benefit two local non-profits that promote creative expression and youth development in Denver's urban communities.  March 10th.

When I’m homeless
I’m sad.
There’s no one on my side.
No one to play with.
No one to talk with.
No one to play video games.
There’s nothing to do.
     Miguel S., Age 9
     Cowell Elementary


Blogger Perpetual Blind Date said...

What a great piece of art for a great cause. That poem just breaks my heart.

7:58 AM  
Blogger rachel neil said...

I came across your site and liked it very much.
I was wondering if you'd like to do a link exchange.
here's my site:

thank you for your time
Rachel Neil

7:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

nice to visit your blog

11:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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4:48 AM  
Anonymous Business logo design said...

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4:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:02 AM  
Blogger barbara@sparrowavenue said...

i used to read your blog all the time a couple of years ago, very much enjoying your work and process. but i had to stop for fear that your ideas were influencing my work.
today i came across your work in my old notebooks and thought i'd visit.

i did not know about the need for surgery and was quite concerned as i read your earlier entries.

now i see you haven't written in some time and i hope you are o.k.

your children have grown a fair bit and look just like you.

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Alice said...

Really a nice blog created

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Website Template said...

Wow amazing excellent piece of work very inspiring too.Nice job keep it up..

2:56 AM  
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12:45 AM  

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