i love ART CAMP }
This was one of my highlights of the summer. and it was just 4 short hours. This summer the pool took over our life. I would hope for a rainy day so we could get out the crafts and paint, but the only rain came on the weekends i had an arts festival. (go figure) So - in the last week of summer i got a few girls together to paint. I wanted to TEACH something and i used a painting of poppys for an example. I had traded some work for this painting this summer at the art market. darnit, i can't remember her name. I thought it was a good simple layout and a good example to follow. . I knew if they follow the example - each girl would be able to take home a really nice piece of artwork they could keep forever. We painted for about 4 hours and while some steps along the way were difficult to hold their attention (mainly for Ryan - the super creative one) I think everyone was proud of their finished piece. I really enjoyed my time with the girls. I LOVE doing this.
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