The Newest - here first
You are one of the select few who has seen the newest of the new artwork. Who knew - i sit there and say that i don't "draw" - and i don't draw my characters. I have used the birds to tell their stories. Really, truthfully - i do draw my people, but i don't show anyone... i have doodles and sketchbooks full, but it was only about 2 weeks ago i decided to do one on a piece of wood. Very suprisingly it was so much fun and it made for a few late nights because i just couldn't stop. SO, here you see it. a very new start to a very new series. Would love your feedback. This is all I have for the show this weekend (of new pieces)
Also - here is new work from John who will have new pieces in the show this weekend and the Art Students League.
Also - here is new work from John who will have new pieces in the show this weekend and the Art Students League.
Nice Blog interesting
gan good job, this article is very interesting to note, cool deh,, of course we have new insights that we get after reading it, thanx yah :-)
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