Saturday, March 15, 2008

addicted to text

I have always in the past tried not to SPELL IT OUT. Tried to leave things more subtle and more metaphoric. However, I have been loving Johns work with text and how he finds a line of text and illustrates it in his found images/pieces. I love to print and write and do different styles of lettering - but was I have not been able to do a lot of hand written words. I had a few books laying around in my studio from flea market finds last summer and I sat down and read some of them. There were so many great sentences and couple words I thought I would see what I could do with them. I have been having a lot of fun with quirky captions. Here are a few on my desk - - you will see them in work to come. I was going to go to the antique store to find some old books - but first hit my favorite thrift store on 50% off saturday. I got over 20 books for $38. SUPER SCORE. and LOTS AND LOTS of words and phrases ahead.


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